M16 7JE Postcode Location Details & Properties
This article lists all information about M16 7JE postcode, such as Residential Properties, Schools, and nearby places. Other information listed are property sales data, trends, estimated property prices, etc.
It also covers Mailing address Info, Location Information, Map and directions, and Administrative details. You also get various information from the census like population, poverty, health index, etc.
M16 7JE is a residential postcode in Manchester, Greater Manchester. M16 7JE postcode is currently an active postcode. You can use the postcode to send mail within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean. According to the 2011 census, M16 7JE has 18 properties within its service area. M16 7JE is located in Moss Side, Manchester region with center coordinates 53.45703000, -2.24769700.
The population of M16 7JE postcode is 58, and all individuals are eligible to receive mail through Royal Mail Service.
Postcode belongs to M postcode Area, M16 District, and M16 7 postcode Sector.
Browse Information
Geographic Details
Map and directions
Postcode History
Administrative Area Info
Census Information
Properties in M16 7JE
Property Sales
Public Transports
People staying near M16 7JE
FAQs about M16 7JE
Get Directions To Visit M16 7JE
Geography And Location Details
Latitude | 53.45703 |
Longitude | -2.24770 |
Northing | 395615 |
Easting | 383650 |
Altitude | 33 Meters |
Grid Reference Code | SJ836956 |
Plus Code | 9C5VFQ42+RW |
Distance To Sea | 22.50 mi |
M16 7JE postcode has center coordinates [53.45703,-2.24770]. Altitude reading for the postcode is 33 Meters above sea level. The postcode location can also be represented using #SJ836956 National grid reference number.
History And Statistics
Introduced | 2000-06-01 |
Last Updated | December 2023 |
Mail Frequency | Low (Postcode Recieves < 25 Mail per day) |
Postcode Range | Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean |
This Royal mail postcode was first introduced and became servicable in 2000-06-01. Total number of mails recieved in M16 7JE is less than 25 mails per day. Mails getting delivered may take longer than normal as per Royal Mail records. Postcode range is limited to one specified apartment or building exactly at specified lat,long.
Census Statistics
Households | 18 |
Population | 58 |
Rural / Urban | Urban major conurbation |
Poverty Ratio (IOMD) |
Census Output Area | E00026563 |
Built Up Area | Greater Manchester |
Built Up SubDivision | Manchester |
Lower Layer Output Super Area | Manchester 024C |
Middle Layer Output Super Area | Moss Side West |
This location is an urban major conurbation. According to 2011 census, 4.08% of the people in M16 7JE is below poverty.
Adminstration And Postcode Areas
Country | England |
County | Greater Manchester |
District | Manchester |
Ward | Moss Side |
Parish | Manchester, unparished area |
Local Authority | N/A |
Constituency | Manchester Central |
Region | North West |
ITL Level 2 | Greater Manchester |
ITL Level 3 | Manchester |
Amenities Available In M16 7JE
Work Place
Nearby Work Area | Manchester |
Average Income | £29100 |
Railway Station
Station | Deansgate |
Distance To Station | 1.19 mi |
Police Stations
Safety & Water Facilities
Police Force | Greater Manchester |
Water Company | United Utilities |
Sewage Company | N/A |
Schools Nearby
School Name | Postcode |
The Divine Mercy Roman Catholic Primary School | M14 7SH |
Holy Name Roman Catholic Primary School Manchester | M15 6JS |
Webster Primary School | M15 6JU |
St Mary's CofE Junior and Infant School | M16 7AQ |
IncludEd | M16 8ER |
St Bede's College | M16 8HX |
Properties in M16 7JE

1 Barleycroft Street, MANCHESTER, M16 7JE
Never Sold

3 Barleycroft Street, MANCHESTER, M16 7JE
Never Sold

5 Barleycroft Street, MANCHESTER, M16 7JE
Never Sold

7 Barleycroft Street, MANCHESTER, M16 7JE
Never Sold

9 Barleycroft Street, MANCHESTER, M16 7JE
Never Sold
Property Sales In M16 7JE
Demographic of property sales [1995-2023]
Latest Property Sales Value
Average Property Price in 2023 | 226419 GBP |
Average Price of Flats in 2023 | 166716 GBP |
Average Price of Terraced property in 2023 | 203793 GBP |
Average Price of Semi-Detached property in 2023 | 258492 GBP |
Average Price of Detached Property in 2023 | 372617 GBP |
Public Transport Near M16 7JE
Bus Stops
Stop | Location | Distance |
Greame Street | Princess Road, Moss Side | 160.29 metres |
Moss Lane East | Princess Road, Moss Side | 221.65 metres |
Moss Lane East | PRESSMAIN (Stop C), Princess Road, Moss Side | 250.98 metres |
Greame Street | Princess Road, Moss Side | 252.52 metres |
Princess Road | FIRE STATION (Stop A), Moss Lane East, Moss Side | 274.12 metres |
Railway Stations
Station | Location | Distance |
Deansgate Rail Station | Manchester City Centre | 1.92 km |
Manchester Oxford Road Rail Station | Manchester City Centre | 1.93 km |
Manchester Piccadilly Rail Station | Manchester City Centre | 2.52 km |
Ardwick Rail Station | Ardwick | 2.74 km |
Manchester United FC Rail Station | Old Trafford | 2.91 km |
Metro Stations
Station | Location | Distance |
Cornbrook (Manchester Metrolink) | Off Cornbrook Road, Cornbrook | 1.96 km |
Deansgate-Castlefield (Manchester Metrolink) | Manchester Central Convention Complex, Off Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre | 1.98 km |
Trafford Bar (Manchester Metrolink) | Off Seymour Grove, Trafford Bar | 2.04 km |
Firswood Station (Manchester Metrolink) | Off Rye Bank Road, Firswood | 2.09 km |
Pomona (Manchester Metrolink) | Off Pomona Stand, Salford Quays | 2.21 km |
Airport | Location | Distance |
Manchester Airport Terminal 2 | Manchester Airport | 10.22 km |
Manchester Airport Terminal 1 | Manchester Airport | 10.63 km |
Manchester Airport | Manchester Airport | 10.80 km |
Manchester Airport Terminal 3 | Manchester Airport | 10.83 km |
Bus Stations
Station | Location | Distance |
Manchester Central Coach Station | Manchester City Centre | 2.41 km |
Manchester Piccadilly Gardens | Piccadilly Gardens | 2.68 km |
Chorlton Bus Station | Chorlton | 2.80 km |
Shudehill Interchange | Shudehill | 3.23 km |
Southern Cemetery Bus Station | Chorlton | 3.57 km |
Taxi Stands
Stand | Location | Distance |
Rusholme - Walmer Street | WILMSOW Road (Walmer Street - Wilmslow Road), Walmer Street, Rusholme | 1.49 km |
Old Trafford - City Road | CHESTER Road (City Road - Chester Road), City Road, Hulme | 1.55 km |
City Centre - Whitworth Street West | ALBION Street (Whitworth Street West - Albion Street), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre | 1.89 km |
City Centre - Whitworth Street West | ALBION Street (Whitworth Street West - Albion Street), Whitworth Street West, Manchester City Centre | 1.90 km |
Station Approach | STATION APPROACH (Whitworth Street), Oxford Road Station, Manchester City Centre | 1.93 km |
Companies Located Near M16 7JE

Flat 216, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 12, 93 Princess Street, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

93 Princess Road 211 Apartment, 93 Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 219,, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 219, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 103, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 209, 93, Princess Road, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 15, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, England M14 4BG

Flat 202, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG

Flat 223, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG
Top Influential People Who Live In / Near M16 7JE

DUNN-HOBAN, Adam Electrician
93 Princess Road, 211 Apartment, 93 Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG
BIKINDOU, Harris Nathan Account Manager
Flat 14, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, England M14 4BG
Flat 219,, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG
HUSSEIN, Fatah Aden Computer Consultant
Flat 2, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, England M14 4BG
RIHAN, Abdullah Operations Manager
Flat 103, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG
RAHOUMA, Mohamed S M
Flat 209, 93, Princess Road, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom M14 4BG
RAHOUMA, Mohamed S M Managing Director
Flat 209, 93, Princess Road, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom M14 4BG
ANTWI, Yaw Adjei Company Director
Flat 15, 93 Princess Road, Manchester, England M14 4BG
ALIU, Oluwabukola Doris Director
Flat 202, 93, Princess Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BG
BORWIN, Ahmed Adnan Director
Flat 401, 93, Princess Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom M14 4BROther Postcodes Nearby
Frequently Asked Questions
You can send mail to anyone living in M16 7JE through Royal Mail Service.
- Copy the sample address and add property name/number to it.
- if required add the recipient's name.
- You can also browse the list of properties to find out the exact address.
- Once you have noted down the address write it down on your To section of the envelope.
- Drop the envelope in your nearest post office.
To calculate distance between your current location and M16 7JE just follow this link
The recent average sale price of a property in M16 7JE is 226419 GBP. But pricing may vary depending on the property type, For more details check the above table.
Find all schools near the postcode listed in the schools section of this article.
Its located in Manchester, Greater Manchester. View the map section for more details.
There are 18 properties in M16 7JE as per Royal mail database.
To get directions to reach M16 7JE follow this link.